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Business Basic Hard Skills



  • I wanted to define basic hard skills, excluding specialized skills.
  • In particular, some people are not good at office work.
  • And it would be inefficient to teach them every time they are discovered.
  • Therefore, we defined basic computer literacy.

Basic Skills

Touch typing

  • Meaning of F, J Keys
  • Home position

Practice by links below:

Windows Shortcut

Following basic shortcuts are necessary for working.

  • General
    • Copy, Cut, Paste, Find, Select All
  • View Control Zoom in / out
  • Edition
    • Save, Undo
  • Indent
    • Tab, Shift Tab

Markdown Syntax

list (-) and heading (#) are the minimum syntax that you have to remember.

see Markdown Cheat Sheet | Markdown Guide

Browser Shortcuts

  • Browser Tab Control:
    • Reload
    • New Tab
    • Close Tab
    • Find a word

Excel Understanding


  • Select / highlight
    • Row
    • Col
    • Cell
  • Edition
    • insert / delete row or col
    • edit cell
  • Functions
    • basic algebra
    • sum, avr
  • Line break:
    • Excel: ALt+Enter
    • Spreadsheet: Ctrl+Enter
最終更新 Sep 06, 2024 14:08 +0900
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